The Blog
Business, Design, Farming, and Gratitude
Welcome to our blog! Here you’ll find the writings of Sharon, the founder of Sweet Piedmont Academy and the owner of Sweet Piedmont Flower Farm. We cover crucial business topics like revenue streams, sales, marketing, and product development. We discuss the art of design through our Bouquet Blueprint™ framework and share what color palettes (and varieties within) make buying local flowers absolutely irresistible. And of course, interlaced through it all is the work and processes of flower farming. If you can't tell, we are incredible grateful to be able to do the work we do, to have captured knowledge from a decade of farming, and to share it with all of you right here on the blog. Thank you for reading and sharing!
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Root Ready: Five Reasons to Plant When the Frost Bites
A commonly overlooked fact of flower farming is that late fall and early winter are excellent times to plant trees and shrubs! Many landscape perennials provide excellent foliage ingredients or flowering branches that are considered fabulous filler flowers when making bouquets using the Bouquet Blueprint™ methodology. Discover the five reasons why planting in cool weather is so advantageous for flower farmers!